Barbecues and Bread
As the warmer months usher in the barbecue season, tables are laden with various potato, vegetable and salad dishes, but bread and rolls are also a popular accompaniment. From Italian ciabatta and the classic garlic baguette to aromatic spelt focaccia, we’ve put together a few tips on how to “pimp” your product range for the grilling season.
Although ciabatta is originally from Italy, it is also well-liked here. CiabattaMix 10% is a premix with wheat sourdough, for the reliable production of ciabatta and other Mediterranean wheat bread, such as the pointy baguette with dried tomatoes. Another premix, Wheat Premium, is perfect for the production of wheat bread and rolls. We’ve taken a little inspiration from the Orient and added sesame and black cumin to flatbreads that are easy to share and, therefore, ideal for barbecue get-togethers. Also created for sharing, the Triplex is made by elongating the dough and dividing it into three pieces, but without cutting all the way through. The final baked product with its crispy crust and soft crumb can easily be split into three.
Reinterpretation of a classic
Garlic baguettes are a popular choice at barbecues, and KornMix Direct is not only suited to the production of Kornspitz®. Try a great variation on a classic; a grain baguette with garlic-herb butter. The dough is run through the winding machine and then placed on a baguette tray. Prior to baking, it is scored four to five times. The baked baguette is left to cool before being cut again and filled with garlic-herb butter.
Aromatic Highlights
Spelt 100% is completely free of wheat flour and has a high grain and seed content. With it, Spelt Focaccia becomes an aromatic highlight through the simple addition of Italian herbs. The Spelt 100% premix is also perfect for spelt loaves. StreuMix with potato flakes, linseeds, sesame seeds and selected spices makes for the perfecting finishing touch.
backaldrin’s RyeMix is not only suitable for rye rolls – it is also used to create Rye Olive Rings and Rye Twisters. There is only one difference in the preparation of the two pastries: towards the end of the kneading time, black olives are added to the dough for the Rye Olive Ring. After the resting time, the dough is weighed out, shaped into balls and, finally, formed into rings. On the other hand, the dough for the Rye Twisters is divided into strands and then gently turned.
These diverse bakery ideas bring added variety to your assortment and are sure to be a hit with barbecue fans.
All recipe and product information can be found in the online baking consultancy.