backaldrin not only brings variety to bread shelves, but also promotes diversity among its employees. The family business is convinced that diversity, gender balance and integration are the key to success. As an international company, we also use global purchasing power to promote human rights along the supply chain.
We contribute to eliminating discrimination against women, significantly improving their participation in decision-making processes and management functions and ensuring their professional development. All employees have equal access to all company resources. Women in management positions is common practice at backaldrin.
We believe in gender equality for all of our employees. We focus on diversity, equality and the inclusion of all people. We are a multicultural company, with over 25 nationalities under one roof. This is also reflected in the many different languages spoken in our company. Native speaking and language courses for employees add to this topic. It is precisely this diversity that we want to preserve. We offer a working environment that is vibrant and diverse, respecting all uniqueness and cultures. Nationality or gender have no effect on professional career, development opportunities, treatment or interaction with one another.
We respect internationally recognised human rights, the international human rights obligations of the countries in which we operate, and the relevant national human rights laws and regulations i.e. avoiding violation of the human rights of others and addressing adverse human rights impacts in which we are involved.
Furthermore, in the context of our own activities, we want to ensure that the human rights of all are respected, without any distinction in terms of race, skin colour, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, wealth, birth or any other status.